Sunday, November 17, 2013

Why Ronaldo is Hated

This article is dedicated to Stront who asked, "Why does everyone hate Ronaldo for no reason?" Oh there is a reason mate, and I will tell you RIGHT NOW!

This is an OBJECTIVE and  COMPLETELY UNBIASED look into why LOSERnaldo is hated by the world.

Cristiano dos Santos Aveiro Ronaldo. A name that strikes fear into the hearts of opponents. But not because of his skills on the pitch. Moreso because of the fear that he may try to hit on them or dive to the ground like a pu$$y to get them sent off and ruin their career.
Ronaldo is SAD because he is not
liked by other people.

Ronaldo has built a reputation as a dishonest player. On November 4, 2010, it was perhaps the most dishonest play of his career. The ball had gone out and Ronaldo and Abate were jockeying to get the ball. They argued over whose ball it was supposed to be. Ronaldo furious that he didn't get his way performed one of the most shameful acts in football history. He made the most pathetic dive clutching his face and trying to pathetically get Abate sent off. Replays showed that Ronaldo wasn't even touched, yet still Ronaldo stuck to his lie. A disgrace indeed.

At World Cup 2006, Ronaldo cried after losing to France fair and square int he semis. Yet, Ronaldo decided that he would whine after the match. "We are a small country and they like to bully us" claimed a sore loser Ronaldo after the match with tears in his eyes. "They are all against us. We are their bullies because we are small and they think they can just pick on us." WELL YOU FOOKING LOSER CHEATING SCUM RONALDO. DID YOU NOT CHEAT TO GET MY POWERFUL ENGLAND SENT OUT IN THAT VERY SAME WORLD CUP. FOOKING HYPOCRITE. FOOK OFF YOU CRYBABY.

Ronaldo is SAD because he the other people
in football "pick" on him all the time. Such a sensitive lad!
Ronaldo was a naughty child growing up. By his own account he would be on the streets in a gang selling drugs if he was not a footballer. This man condones the sale of illegal subtances and violent gang warfare, and yet people think he is good. THIS MAN FOOKING ADMITTED HE WOULD BE A DRUG DEALER IF HE WASN'T A FOOTBALLER. HE IS A BORN LOSER!!!!!!!!!

In fact suspicious drug activity has happened right around where Ronaldo lives in Madrid. On November 29, 2010 it was revealed that Ronaldo's neighbor was caught traffiking 175 million pounds of cocaine. And you think Ronaldo didn;t know about it. So suspicios that Ronaldo lived right next to him, and was always showing up with a red nose to training and matches during that period. RONALDO WAS BUYING AND MAYBE EVEN HELPING THIS GUY SELL THOSE DRUGS. HE MIGHT'VE EVEN HOOKED UP THE DRUG DEALER WITH SOME OF HIS TEAMMATES. THAT IS JUST GROSS BEHAVIOR.

Aside from his drug problems, Ronaldo is a liar. He claims to have a baby, yet the mother magically doesn;t exist. She was supposedly paid off to never see the baby again. Just think. If this is true some poor mother was offered millions how could she turn that down? Ronaldo forced the mother to stay away from the child. How cruel of him. And of course, there's the other theory that Ronaldo never actually had a baby. Rather, he
bought a baby off the black market just to gain sympathy. This is probably the truth.

Ronaldo is also MAD because he could never catch
up to the greats of the game such as Super Messi
or the world's best Theo Walcott. Instead he tries to
deflect blame for his own shortcomings on others
to take the spotlight off the fact that he just can't compete
with them.
Think about it. Ronaldo is never seen with his child ever. He is a horrible "father" because it's not really his child and he feels nothing for it. It is just a tool for him to try and gain sympathy so he could get more votes for the Balon D'or. Meanwhile, he is out fooking countless men (yes he fooks men people), while he uses Irina Shayk to pose as his girlfriend. But do you ever see him with her ever. She is always in New York and he is always in Madrid. Lol, they NEVER see each other. She is just another of his tools to gain more sympathy and support from people and he pays her millions to pretend she is his girlfriend.

 Cristiano Ronaldo. A polarizing figure. Through my careful detective work, I Ricky Cash have uncovered and brought to the light these TRUE details. If you don't believe me go look up the dates and facts I have written on google and you will see the truth. Cristiano LOSERnaldo. A crook. A thief. A very very very bad man.

Sepp Blatter was right. Ronaldo is NOT a good boy. Not at all.

This has been Ricky Cash reporting. Thank you.


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  1. ricky strikes again with amazing article! hahaha

  2. Lol. This nigga funny.

  3. haha I'm a Madrid and Ronaldo fan and this is funny. Relax guys, Ricky just messing around and being comedian funny guy

  4. That fellow so called ricky cash is IDIOT

  5. Amazing Facts about Cristiano Ronaldo ::­:

    1. Ronaldo's freekick speed is around130 kilometres an hour, which means 31.1 metres per second more than four times of Apollo 11 rocket's launchi­ng speed which was 7.3metres per second.

    2. Ronaldo is slim but do you know his body has only 10% fat?? Normal catwalk models have 13.8% fat.

    3. Ronaldo lifts around 23,055 kg of weight during a training season which is total of 16 Toyota Priuscars.

    4. Cristiano Ronaldo runs average of10.5 kilometres in a match.

    5. As he runs 10.5 kilometres in amatch, he used to have around 936 twists which a Formula onecar takesduring Monaco Grand Prix.

    6. According to Castrol's analysiswhen Cristiano Ronaldo jumps hegenerates five times more power than a Cheetah jumping in a fullflight..!!

  6. amazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing ricky.....

  7. you rock ricky..... u should have mentioned about his arrogant nature also......

  8. Visca Ricky. Visca Messi- Lionel Shaon

  9. Arsenal will be trophy-less again this season. You should hop in and start supporting Barcelona to know what it feels like to win a trophy.

    - Flash_is_here.

  10. woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow.................

  11. LOL omg...almost died of laughing...well written

  12. Legendary... the great ricky cash has done it once again! Well done mate well done! But I prefer to call him LOSERnaldo hahah

  13. Did Goal ban you? I havent seen your comments.

  14. This is coming from the chap that claims n actually believes that Theo Walcott is the best football player in the world. Your a terrible article writer,this article was written with the research of a pre-schooler and full of your personal opinions not an unbiased public knowledge opinion as you claimed at the beginning and definitely nothing objective about it. So Ronaldo's neighbour was caught with drugs, question don't wealthy drug dealers usually live in wealthy and affluent neighborhoods? Or do you think they enter the drug trade to live next to people of your income? So if he wasn't caught in Ronaldo's neighborhood he would've been caught in Benzema's or D.Alves or even your Idols....Theo's. Point two,name one player that doesn't do everything he can to win matches for his club? Simulation is as common to footballers today as shin gaurds.....any player under the right circumstance/pressure will do what he can to give his team the upper hand....p.s - calling him Losernaldo doesn't change a thing - he's still one of the top two players in the world today,will be spoken of for generations to come,is extremely wealthy,is very stylish and handsome, and no matter how may gay insults you throw at him remains very Hetrosexual, and is the hardest working footballer in the game today. Ricky my advice........stick to Arsenal n Theo...leave the unbiased & objective writing to us,the unbiased & objective writers.

  15. Ronaldo ...even Sepp Blater trying to kill his true image.
