Sunday, November 17, 2013

Why Ronaldo is Hated

This article is dedicated to Stront who asked, "Why does everyone hate Ronaldo for no reason?" Oh there is a reason mate, and I will tell you RIGHT NOW!

This is an OBJECTIVE and  COMPLETELY UNBIASED look into why LOSERnaldo is hated by the world.

Cristiano dos Santos Aveiro Ronaldo. A name that strikes fear into the hearts of opponents. But not because of his skills on the pitch. Moreso because of the fear that he may try to hit on them or dive to the ground like a pu$$y to get them sent off and ruin their career.
Ronaldo is SAD because he is not
liked by other people.

Ronaldo has built a reputation as a dishonest player. On November 4, 2010, it was perhaps the most dishonest play of his career. The ball had gone out and Ronaldo and Abate were jockeying to get the ball. They argued over whose ball it was supposed to be. Ronaldo furious that he didn't get his way performed one of the most shameful acts in football history. He made the most pathetic dive clutching his face and trying to pathetically get Abate sent off. Replays showed that Ronaldo wasn't even touched, yet still Ronaldo stuck to his lie. A disgrace indeed.

At World Cup 2006, Ronaldo cried after losing to France fair and square int he semis. Yet, Ronaldo decided that he would whine after the match. "We are a small country and they like to bully us" claimed a sore loser Ronaldo after the match with tears in his eyes. "They are all against us. We are their bullies because we are small and they think they can just pick on us." WELL YOU FOOKING LOSER CHEATING SCUM RONALDO. DID YOU NOT CHEAT TO GET MY POWERFUL ENGLAND SENT OUT IN THAT VERY SAME WORLD CUP. FOOKING HYPOCRITE. FOOK OFF YOU CRYBABY.

Ronaldo is SAD because he the other people
in football "pick" on him all the time. Such a sensitive lad!
Ronaldo was a naughty child growing up. By his own account he would be on the streets in a gang selling drugs if he was not a footballer. This man condones the sale of illegal subtances and violent gang warfare, and yet people think he is good. THIS MAN FOOKING ADMITTED HE WOULD BE A DRUG DEALER IF HE WASN'T A FOOTBALLER. HE IS A BORN LOSER!!!!!!!!!

In fact suspicious drug activity has happened right around where Ronaldo lives in Madrid. On November 29, 2010 it was revealed that Ronaldo's neighbor was caught traffiking 175 million pounds of cocaine. And you think Ronaldo didn;t know about it. So suspicios that Ronaldo lived right next to him, and was always showing up with a red nose to training and matches during that period. RONALDO WAS BUYING AND MAYBE EVEN HELPING THIS GUY SELL THOSE DRUGS. HE MIGHT'VE EVEN HOOKED UP THE DRUG DEALER WITH SOME OF HIS TEAMMATES. THAT IS JUST GROSS BEHAVIOR.

Aside from his drug problems, Ronaldo is a liar. He claims to have a baby, yet the mother magically doesn;t exist. She was supposedly paid off to never see the baby again. Just think. If this is true some poor mother was offered millions how could she turn that down? Ronaldo forced the mother to stay away from the child. How cruel of him. And of course, there's the other theory that Ronaldo never actually had a baby. Rather, he
bought a baby off the black market just to gain sympathy. This is probably the truth.

Ronaldo is also MAD because he could never catch
up to the greats of the game such as Super Messi
or the world's best Theo Walcott. Instead he tries to
deflect blame for his own shortcomings on others
to take the spotlight off the fact that he just can't compete
with them.
Think about it. Ronaldo is never seen with his child ever. He is a horrible "father" because it's not really his child and he feels nothing for it. It is just a tool for him to try and gain sympathy so he could get more votes for the Balon D'or. Meanwhile, he is out fooking countless men (yes he fooks men people), while he uses Irina Shayk to pose as his girlfriend. But do you ever see him with her ever. She is always in New York and he is always in Madrid. Lol, they NEVER see each other. She is just another of his tools to gain more sympathy and support from people and he pays her millions to pretend she is his girlfriend.

 Cristiano Ronaldo. A polarizing figure. Through my careful detective work, I Ricky Cash have uncovered and brought to the light these TRUE details. If you don't believe me go look up the dates and facts I have written on google and you will see the truth. Cristiano LOSERnaldo. A crook. A thief. A very very very bad man.

Sepp Blatter was right. Ronaldo is NOT a good boy. Not at all.

This has been Ricky Cash reporting. Thank you.


Follow me on twitter!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Lucky Boys at United (Arsenal have been cheated yet again)

First off let me start by saying. FOOK VAN TRAITOR.

Now where oh where to begin with this ATROCIOUS match.

The ref was just a DISGRACE today. Every call he made favoured United. EVERY FOOKING CALL. This was a disgraceful officiating performance. Michael Oliver the ref can go FOOK off. Yet another ref that Fergie probably slipped some money to before the match to cover for his little boy Moyes.
United played with a man up all match. Introducing
their latest signing..........

The haters just couldn't wait for this day. They just COULDN'T FOOKING WAIT. They've been lurking in the shadows all season long with tears in their eyes wondering why Arsenal have become the MOST POWERFUL side in all of EPL and of the world. They just couldn't take it that Arsenal are the best now.

So the moment they got their chance, you better believe these haters are ready to pounce. How sad and pathetic these people are. They only live to see Arsenal fail. Yet we haven;t even failed in this match. WE WERE CHEATED AND WE ALSO WERE STRUGGLING WITH INJURIES.

As I already mentioned the referee has made a mockery of football today with his performance. How could he not add at lest 5-7 minutes of stoppage time at the end of the match? How could he blatantly give ALL the important calls to United like that? He was DISGRACEFUL today. He handed United this win.

United fans and Arsenal haters can lie to themselves all they want. It doesn't change the fact that you guys didn't even play well and were handed victory by poor officiating.

Plus, we had so many injuries to deal with........
-Wilshere was rushed back and clearly wasn't operating at 100%. 
-Ozil was so tired after a long grueling week of work against 2 other big teams. 
-Giroud was also tired and didn't have the legs. 
-Cazorla was at around 50% fitness level today. 
-Flamini JUST returned from injury and was only at about 20% of his normal level
-Ramsey was also tired after a long grueling week of tough fixtures against big teams

Not to mention.....
- We were missing Mertesacker a top 3 CB of the world
- We were missing Podolski a top 5 winger of the world
- We were missing Rosicky a top 5 attacking mid of the world
- We were missing Oxlade-Chamberlain who in 2-3 years will surpass Messi and make ppl say"Messi who? Who is that Messi creature? We only know the Ox now."
Wipe that smirk off your face Van Traitor....
or I'll smack it off myself.


Take all these injuries and all this fatigue into account and combine that with the BLATANT CHEATING of the ref and it's clear to see how United have found an unfair, yet favourable result for themselves.

Haters just need to ZIP IT though about this we can't beat big teams as usual crap. HATERS ARE SO ILLOGICAL.

We already beat DORTMUND just earlier this week at their OWN HOME in the best Champions League group ever. You know the same DORTMUND that finished as finalists in last seasons UCL
We already beat LIVERPOOL just last week. You know the same LIVERPOOL who supposedly would knock us out of the top 4 and compete for EPL glory.

We already beat NAPOLI in Champions League in the toughest group of all time. You know the same NAPOLI who were supposed to defeat us and send us crashing out in the group stages of UCL.

We already beat MARSEILLE in the toughest group in Champions League history. You know the same
MARSEILLE who was supposed to take some points off us in the Champions League and condemn us to Europa league exit or worse.

We already beat SPUDS earlier this season. The same SPUDS who everyone said would compete for EPL glory and FINALLY finish above us in the top 4.

How come all the haters ignore these teams!!! WE HAVE BEATEN MORE BIG SIDES THAN ANY OTHER SIDE IN EPL SO FAR THIS SEASON. Yet the haters conveniently ignore because it doesn't fit their ignorant agendas.

Let me repeat I don't think you heard me.

Once Walcott is fully fit again there will be
NO stopping us. He is the best player in the world.

One more time. I still dont think you haters heard me.


Once we are back to full strength and Walcott is back DOMINATION returns. Not even the cheaters and haters could hold us back from GLORY this season.


Answer: NOBODY.
My twitter:


Saturday, November 9, 2013

Hater Speak Vol. 1 (Part 2)

Haters love to hate. Welcome to "Hater Speak Vol.1 (Part 2)" in which I scour the internet to find comments from Arsenal haters and re-post them for the entire world to see. Let's celebrate these haters and laugh at their pathetic comments.

Format is like this. The name of the hater and the date of their comment will be in bold. Then just under the that their hater speak will be displayed also in bold. Then under that I will respond to their comments, and simply embarrass the hater.

Remember mates. These are real comments from real haters of the most powerful club of the world, Arsenal.

LEVIEDING August 20, 2013
I promised myself I wouldn’t look through transfer rumours or come on this site till after the window closed.

Well we all break our promises just ask the Arsenal board and manager!!

What the hell is going on at Arsenal at the moment we have become a joke. The excuses have run dry for the men dealing with our incomings or lack there of. I am sick of this now, waiting, hoping and praying I wake up and see a big name splashed across the Arsenal website holding up the red and white. It is demoralising for the fans world wide. Something needs to be done because I really don’t believe we will sign anyone worthy of wearing an Arsenal shirt. We will end up with some nomads that no one has ever heard off. Later down the line the big ‘DEADWOOD’ sale will once again materialise and we will be in the same position once again. They are all to blame for this, it would be wrong to point the finger at one man, namely Wenger as there are higher powers in the club allowing this mess to continue.
Wenger can only laugh at the many
haters of Arsenal.

As you can see I’m clearly lost for words in regards to watching the club we love deteriorate into a laughing stock. All hope of signing the big names have been dashed by the players and their respective agents saying they don’t want to join Arsenal. For a club that has a history as ours and are first seeds in the best competition in football, it has become a worrying sight to see players turn us down left, right and center. Too long have we stood in the shadows of the big spenders and not been able to compete, then the transfer window started are hope were raised and promises were made. We will sign big names and we will splash the cash that the fans have unloaded into the club boardroom.

We need a complete overhaul but what worries me is the complete lack of care the club are showing to the fans. The same fans that pay the highest ticket prices, follow their club globally and have Arsenal through and through. It is the saddest state I have ever witnessed as an Arsenal fan, the worst part being there is nothing we can do. We have to sit and watch as our club gets run into the ground by money making, suit wearing, profit hungry, ignorant little (insert word here)! They watch idly by as our competitors pull our record breaking signings while we stay stagnant. Do they honestly believe we will walk from this season with our 4th place trophy that they have created in hand? Do they honestly believe the squad is good and strong enough to compete with the big boys?

The answer to all the questions being asked by the fans is ‘NO’ and I am pretty certain they couldn’t give a flying (insert word here). We are being fed to the mid table wolves ready to chomp us up and watch our rivals laugh as we fall from whatever grace that 4th place holds. The end is nigh for Arsenal football club, we have been infected by a deadly virus. Parasites taking all they can from us before they leave with bags full of cash. We all say Arsenal will still stand but where is the real question….

Ricky Cash: What a mouthful, where to begin with this DREADFUL comment. You said we wouldn't end up with anyone worthwhile? So tell me mate is Mesut FOOKING Ozil not worthwhile enough for you? All of this business we've done over the past few years to stack up the money has been in anticipation of this moment. Now we are the most profitable club AND the most powerful club of the world. We have an unstoppable team now and if we REALLY needed there is NO player we could not sign to strengthen ourselves.

If you are so worried about the big name signings of others then go support their club mate. We don't want any plastics at our club. We want fans who support the players we have in our club. Our players have always been good enough and just needed some faith. Now they have blossomed because we stood by them and showed faith.

I guess this virus you speak of hasn't infected Arsenal, but rather your brain. Take a rest mate. You ACTUALLY thought we would be midtable this season? Take a break mate. Rest your mind, close your eyes. When you awake and are refreshed then you may be given one more chance to be loyal to our club. We don't care for plastics. We want REAL supporters mate. REAL supporters.

SOMEone!^! - August 20, 2013
Now I know where Arsenal's transfer money is going.. They are paying news papers all over the world just to confirm their interest on players like Di Maria now, Mata, Higuain, Gustavo, Suarez, Rooney, Ozil, Benzema etc...

Szczesny tells haters to talk to his hand.
Ricky Cash: GOOD ONE mate. GOOD ONE. So original. But guess what mate, WE GOT OZIL. WE ACTUALLY HAVE FOOKING SIGNED OZIL. You were saying again mate?

Julio Campos - August 20, 2013
Tottenham and Liverpool will finish ahead of Arsenal

Ricky Cash: Ahhh, Julio Campos first appearance in Hater Speak. Get used to seeing this guy here. He is one of the biggest haters of Arsenal the world has ever known. My dear Julio if you are reading this then know how foolish you look to have proclaimed this. LMFAO, Tottenham and Liverpool have both been SMASHED by us already. Lol, try again Julio. Try again.

Uweezyb Okokhue Bright - August 20, 2013
See what dis man (Wenger) has turn dis club into...shambles

Ricky Cash: Yeah our club is in COMPLETE shambles right now. Because we are definitely not way ahead in the EPL standings right. We definitely are not the most profitable club in the world. We definitely are not winning games left and right all the way back since March. Snap out of it mates. You must be another Spud fan undercover. Pathetic.

Jay Allanby - August 26, 2013
Poor Wenger gets crazier every day. I fear he has a medical condition and hope that he can live out the rest of his life without too much pain or suffering. He must be removed from Arsenal immediately. He is not fit to fulfill his duties anymore.

Ricky Cash: You want the man who has transformed us into the most powerful club to be removed from his position. Mate.....WHAT THE FOOK IS WRONG WITH YA????? Then I remember about all these undercover Spud fans posing as Arsenal supporters and it all makes sense. Good old Jay Allanby here can;t take it that his Spuds despite spending over 100 M this summer STILL can't compete with Arsenal. AHAHAHAHAHAA, how sad the life of a Spud must be.

kolotimz - August 26, 2013
Wenger your brain has being diluted and it now function like a looser

Ricky Cash: Kolotimz, your brain has been diluted and it now function like a loser. Not like your fantasy of Wenger though. Really, your brain is functioning like a loser to think that Wenger is a bad manager. Go get a check up mate to clear out your head. Good luck with your condition mate. Good luck.

Lata Lata - August 26, 2013
More than not signing players, the interviews this guy gives makes me more sick. He is plain stupid!

Ricky Cash: Are you serious mate? You think Wenger is stupid? LOLOLOLOL. Some people are just
REALLY dense. I don't think a man that is stupid would have the intuition to have bought a player named Thierry Henry who was a struggling winger at Juventus and transform him into the most lethal striker of all time. Haters just don't make sense sometimes.

'Yomi Ode - August 26, 2013 
Wenger, your problem is that you think you know it all. You talk so stupid and in an unintelligent rude manner. Do you think the matured loyal fans have no brains? Instead of you to do your job, you continue to blame everybody for your senility. I know you will not sign anybody because you think you know it all.

Ricky Cash: Guess it was you who thought they knew it all mate. You said Wenger would not sign anybody, yet he signed the best attacking midfielder of the world in Mesut Ozil. Go bury your face in some dirt and never come out mate. NEVER come out again.

maky02 - August 28, 2013
Haters think Wenger is stupid right?
That's why he transformed this man
into the mos lethal striker in EPL
Please someone tell Arsene Wenger to stop this deceptive game.The SCAMMER has been found out.Just showing interest in players he knows will never be able to sign so at the end of the transfer season he comes out with the age old excuse of I tried. Enough of the mind games Papa Arsene!!!!!!!!Arsenal fans are wiser than you perceive them to be

Ricky Cash: Arsenal fans are wise mate. Apparently you are not however. Apparently you are not.

Anonymous - August 28, 2013
y does wenger even comment these days...he knows all he does is blah blah blah..n does nothing...i think he's still thinking he is in the fantasy league... Arsenal were interest in: Cassilas; Julio Cesar Uchida; Williams Fellaini; Cabaye; Gustavo; Kondogbia Ozil; Bernard; Jovetic; Di Maria; now Mata Higuain; Suarez; Benzema; Rooney & only Sanogo was signed tht for free... get a life wenger...u have lost the respect of ur arsenal fans...

Ricky Cash: After we have signed Ozil, I would keep my name as Anonymous if I were you too  mate. Lol, how silly you are. Be THANKFUL you have posted this anonymously. At least now you can still walk the streets without everyone laughing without mercy at your every move over how dumb you made yourself look with this comment.

UcheLouis - August 28, 2013 
wenger are you high or just incredibly stupid??? 


LEVIEDING - August 29, 2013
Highest paid manager. Highest paid CEO. Highest ticket prices. More cash than the other 19 clubs combined. 0 [transfer] signings on Aug 29

Ricky Cash: And then 2 days later he signed Ozil. I and all other Arsenal fans kindly request that you SHUT THE FOOK UP FOREVER.
Haters thought Ramsey would be exposed this season.
Ramsey says hush.

Shane Vince - August 29, 2013
Fulham can aim to win the league as well but it doesnt mean its going to happen. Arsenal have an average squad at best, one top quality player being Cazorla, Wilshere is good but has to mature and he will eventually be a top player but the rest of the players are average thats including Walcott. This is the worst Arsenal team in over a decade

Ricky Cash: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAa. This may take the cake for the WORST comment out of all of these very very bad comments. You thought we had an average squad. Ramsey is just average mate? Flamini is just average mate? Giroud is just average mate? Theo Walcott who is the BEST player in the WORLD and of our GENERATION is just average mate? Go take up knitting. Football is not the sport for you.

Johnny Bopape - August 29, 2013
An average season games is about 60 grueling games for an ambitious team that has not won anything in past 9 seasons..current Arsenal squad..2 GK , 2 RB ,3 CB , 2 LB , 4 CM , 2 LW , 2 CAM , 2 RW , 2 ST...Never mind the depth and quality that is lacking in this squad but 4 or 5 players are injury prone in the squad..Unless Wenger buys top quality in this departments, 1 GK , 1 CB , 2 CDM , 1 LW , ST Arsenal will always battle for top 4 finish of which maybe is their main aspiration who knows..Ramsey, whilshere and Arteta unfortunately are not defensive midfielders and will be exposed badly as the season kicks on besides the later two play only 20 matches a season for obvious reason as we know..Liverpool and spurs are taking decent steps improve while there has not been any movement what so ever from Arsenal..challenging for anything is just dream and so it shall remain

Ricky Cash: This lad said Ramsey would be exposed this season. I don't really thinks he deserves a response other than............... AAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Luka Kanyika - August 29, 2013
i wish i had a gun i swear i cld shoot this idiot called Wenger

Ricky Cash: The third death threat/wish against Wenger in this volume of Hater Speak. What the fook is wrong with these people?

Ana G -  October 6, 2013
Say what yoU want kid, Ozil remains overrated. Its only a matter of time before the hype around
As the haters continue to talk Walcott continues to recover
slowly building his strength back up. When he returns
after the international break the haters
will have nothing more to say.
him dies off

Ricky Cash: Introducing Ana G. Perhaps the biggest hater of Ozil on the planet or at least close to it. She is one of the MANY bitter Madridistas who are mad that he has decided to join Arsenal and leave their club. It has been reported that Ozil fooked Ana G then deleted her out of his phone and never called or saw her again. Hell hath no fury like a woman. In her rage and fury Ana G made it her life mission to hound, harass, and talk badly about Ozil until she takes her dying breath.

Ana G - October 6, 2013
Lmao. I thought I was the only one who saw that [Ozil is terrible]. Ozil man of the match by his fan boys. I tell you man, ozil fans are desperate and clueless. Thank God, he left madrid. Got tired of him and his fans. Good player but overrated

Ricky Cash: Here Ana G continues to show just how angry she is that Ozil fooked her and then never called her again. She has been badly hurt by Ozil, but Ozil just wanted a fling. Ana G thought Ozil could make her famous though and was so sad to learn that Ozil was just using her for pleasure. Poor Ana G. She is still heartbroken and in love with Ozil so she will do anything to grab his attention. Unfortunately, Ozil has moved on and doesn't even remember who she is. And we shall move on as well.

Anonymous - October 6, 2013
i really want to meet ricky cash in person. if i do meet him i want to beat the fook out of him with a baseball bat

Ricky Cash: Harsh mate!!! That's pretty mean. You could seriously injure me with a bat. Didn't your mommy teach you proper manners lad?

herman - October 6, 2013
 I hope everybody at Arsenal now stop celebrating the arrival of an average midfielder (Ozil) as if it were the Messiah.

Ricky Cash: Another scorned Madridista who can't take it that Ozil will no longer be lighting up the stage at the Bernabeu, but will rather be lighting it up at the Emirates.

Akhi Strider - October 17, 2013
lolz, ricky can like kizz ma Punjabi rear hole lolz he is sooo deluded i'd be like "Oh my Gosh !" Lolz Losernal will like lose lolz I'm like dancing to 'Baby' by J.B like right now lolz I will like move my body to the rythm when Losernal like lose lolz..

Ricky Cash: Children this is why we STAY AWAY FROM DRUGS!!!!

beowulftheslash - October 19, 2013 
Arsenal is playing well but when the injuries come that's when we'll really know if they'll be title challengers. Depth is very important and without ozil alone they are half the team they are.
Ana G must find a new obsession other than
Mesut Ozil. Try Oliver Giroud. He also says
hi to the haters who thought he would flop.

Ricky Cash: Oh that's funny mate. Because last season when we didn't have Ozil we went undefeated for the whole last part of the season and garnered the most points of any EPL side. But I guess that should be ignored because it COMPLETELY disproves whatever ignorant point you were trying to make right?

Anonymous - October 19, 2013

Ricky Cash:
Doctor: Hush. Stop screaming Anonymous and take these pills.

Anonymous - October 19, 2013
TAKE this ArseNULL fans MANCHESTER UNITED>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ARSENULL SAF>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.WENGER Wenger was hiding in SAF shadow during last 10 years and since he is retired now,he is slowly coming back out of his shadow. IDK whate you ArseNULL fans say about United now, wait till we smash you at OLD TRAFFORD in November. FINALLY GIGGS>>>>>>>>ARSENULL. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Ricky Cash: I have NO IDEA what you were trying to say here mate. Seems your school instructors have failed you unfortunately.

Jim J - October 19, 2013 
No assists from Özil [in this match]? What a failure [signing for Arsenal].

Ricky Cash: Lol, Madridistas are SOOOO mad about Ozil leaving them. Keep crying Madridistas. Keep crying. AHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAa.

strontZz - October 19, 2013
dont be so happy arsenal boys, or the tears will start rolling & wont stop when u face the big teams...

Ricky Cash: Someone wanted me to attack a comment of StrontZz. Well here you go. This lad says that
What Spud fans look like each year after they
have ONCE AGAIN finished below Arsenal
in the table.
when we face the big teams we will start crying......

Hmmmm let's see. We have defeated.....DORTMUND, NAPOLI, TOTTENHAM, LIVERPOOL, MARSEILLE already. That's more big teams than ANY other team in Europe has defeated so far. You were saying again?

Adam - October 20, 2013 
The only garbage on the pitch is watching the English players. EPL should go 100% foreign. Then it would be the best league. English teams with English players are so boring to watch and aren't even competition for the big clubs that buy anything but English. Dump Wilshire and Walcott and you have a champion team!

Ricky Cash: Yawn.

Akhi Strider - October 20, 2013
Flamini is an all out aggressive and dirty player. I wonder why you brainless Arsenal fans can tolerate a serial foul master like him and hate Busquets for Diving. Flamini's tackles hurt people, Not Busquets dives. BTw, Busquets > Flamini

Ricky Cash: Excuse Akhi Strider mates. His mother dropped him on his head a few too many times when he was young. He is a little slow in the brain.

Akhi Strider - October 20, 2013 
Rubbish player. He (Ozil) always flops when it matters most. Look at the Dortmund semi-final when he did nothing. He will flop again this year. Mark my words. This Punjabi has spoken,

Ricky Cash: I repeat. This lad has been dropped on his head a few too many times as a child.

Don't forget, follow me on twitter:




Thursday, November 7, 2013

Hater Speak Vol. 1 (Part 1)

Haters love to hate. So Arsenal supporters I'm starting a new series on my blog titled "Hater Speak" in which I scour the internet to find comments from Arsenal haters and re-post them for the entire world to see. Let's celebrate these haters and laugh at their pathetic comments.

Format is like this. The name of the hater and the date of their comment will be in bold. Then just under the that their hater speak will be displayed also in bold. Then under that I will respond to their comments, and simply embarrass the hater.

Remember mates. These are real comments from real haters of the most powerful club of the world, Arsenal.
Haters. HUSH.

mos deed - August 17, 2013
Arsenal talks about signing Suarez? then signs nobody lol sign Ricky Lambert and call it a day. no class player would want to join that mob, not if they want to win trophies.

Ricky Cash: LMFAO. Mate, you thought we could only sign Ricky Lambert? AHAHAHAHA, mate you look so foolish. We signed MESUT OZIL. But according to you I guess Ozil is not a "class" player because no "class" player would want to join our mob right? Lol, go take a seat mate. Next time you speak make sure to pull up your pants from around your ankles first.

Hassan Nashid - August 17, 2013 
Even though I am the biggest fan of Arsenal I want Arsenal to crash and burn. I want wenger to go down deep into the shit with his broken ship, for his irresponsibility and dragging the name of a once a glorious footballing club in the mud. WENGER YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS !!!!!!!!!!!

Ricky Cash: You? An Arsenal fan mate? Doubt it. No true supporter would ever want to see their club "crash and burn" just because things aren't going his way. This lad is from here on out to be excommunicated from Arsenal. Don't talk all this crap about us, and now try and act like you're one of our biggest supporters now that we've signed Ozil. Hassan Nashid. You are hereby revoked of your Arsenal supporter status (although I suspect you were a Spud fan in disguise. Those Spuds just can't take it that they'll NEVER be on our level nor finish above us in the table. LOLOLOLOLOL)

Eric Grandinger - August 17, 2013
lol #lesbihonest did anyone srsly expect Arsenal to win?? Gunners fans need to wake up! You guys will be battling against relegation this season without a major overhaul. Your players are well below par... sorry but it's the truth

Ricky Cash: Battling relegation? Seriously mate? Seriously? AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Go sit your behind down mate and hush. We are TOP OF THE TABLE right now. LOLOLOLOLOL. This lad seriously thought we would be battling relegation this season. What an idiot.

Yaz Moochtar - August 17, 2013
Arse*** needn't to panic here, even with the current squad they'll be treble winner by the end of the season. - winner of 4th spot premier League - winner of Champions cup qualification - winner of Champions cup group stage

Haters thought we wouldn't sign any more players this
summer. Mesut Ozil says hi to you lot.
Ricky Cash: Right on mate. And you'll also be winner of the treble as well. Winner of biggest mary poppin. Winner of biggest idiot. Winner of most humiliated man on Earth now that Arsenal is MUCH better than you could ever imagine. See everyone wins mate. Everyone wins.

Santiago Mudi - August 17, 2013 
Wenger keeps on buying 16 and 17 year old players which he claim they are for the future but what happens now? I dont blame RVP for leaving cos there is nothing more in arsenal,4th place is no trophy and u will never be remembered for coming 4th. Fuck wenger fuck arsenal fuck the board and fuck every one that thinks arsenal will win any thing with this fucked up players

Ricky Cash: Lol. Last time I checked Ozil was 25 years old mate. Last time I checked Ozil was 25.

Billy de Fretes - August 17, 2013
[We will] fight for 4th - 6th place maybe but not title challenger .. from arsenal fans

Ricky Cash: Lol, last time I checked challenging for 1st place is not challenging for 4th-6th place mate. Last time I checked challenging for 1st was not challenging for 4th-6th. Now FOOK OFF Spud fan in disguise.

kirk - August 17, 2013
This is just sad. The owners and Wenger - what are you doing? Why are you constantly fucking your fans?! The once great Arsenal is now a joke. Just sad Forza Milan

Ricky Cash: OH THE IRONY!!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAA. A SLOW MOTION MILAN FAN TELLING ARSENAL THAT THE OWNERS HAVE RUINED THEIR ONCE GREAT SIDE. Speak for yourself mate. We're competing for the EPL trophy this season. Where is slow motion AC Milan again? Lol, mid table, and still falling even further down the standings. Speak for your own fooking team mate. Our team is fine. Yours is the team that is.....not so fine. LOL.

Billy de Fretes - August 17, 2013 
it's true that some fans put banner " YOU CAN'T BUY CLASS" but they need to add " CAN'T BUY WORLD CLASS PLAYER, CAN'T WIN ANYTHING EVEN EMIRATES CUP" ... since george graham day, i really frustrated with this result. Wenger " we look for quality", " we can win title with this squad" ...fu*k off wenger, arsenal fans and supporter deserve silverware. it will be better to win carling cup rather than only QUALIFY FOR UCL.

Ricky Cash: Ahhhh. Our good friend Billy is back already. The Spud fan in disguise. Hey Billy mate, how about we put up banners like "WE CAN BUY OZIL" or maybe "WE ARE FIRST PLACE IN EPL" or maybe "SAD SAD BILLY de FRETES IS ONE SAD LONELY MISERABLE SPUD FAN". These banners seem much more appropriate don't you think?
Rosicky the BEAST laughs at those who
thought Arsenal would be nothing this season.

clowns10 -August 17, 2013
not sure if arsenal is a comedy or a tragedy

Ricky Cash: Not sure if clowns10 is clueless or dumb.

David Egbedi - August 18, 2013 
I hate wenger i pray 4 death 4 him make arsenal fans unhappy all the time give hope when wenger is hopeless

Ricky Cash: Mate, you would wish death on another human being because he is not giving you the results you want? WHAT THE FOOK IS YOUR PROBLEM MATE. FOOK OFF.

Marco Alex - August 18, 2013
I still can't believe that Arsenal's fans listen to this guy. I mean, he takes you for rides years in and years out and you keep on letting him damage your club. Wenger must be fired, he has reached a point where he believes that he's bigger than the club and it's not tolerable. If Ferguson who won everything with United left the club, it means that individuals will pass, the club will always remain. Cut the crap and sack Wenger.

Ricky Cash: Yeah, let's sack the man who has bought us Ozil and has us first in the group of death in the Champions League and first in the EPL. Take a seat mate and keep quiet for a bit. When you speak next time you should count to 1000 before opening your mouth.

Bulime Solomon - August 18, 2013
 I think da first signing arsenal shld z resign. Mr david dein coz he z. Da only man who understaands what arrsenal needs and f wenger insstead ov signing better players he z. Discussing hiz mega sallary instead ov her resignation.if he was given 70 m en he z. Sitting on then he. Z not da rightt man for da. Job coz eeven a moron can tel dat arsenal needs a goal keeper in ceasar or adlar ,a beta right bak lyk leichestina orr micah ,a central defender lyk ashley williams or mohamed sakho ,a defensive midfielder lyk bender , mvilla or inlar a left footed attacking midfielder and a striker lyk suarez ,rooney ,yilmaz

Ricky Cash: Ummmmmmm WHAT?

King Bayo - August 18, 2013 
the only thing is arsene wenger have to die so that we can have good manager who will spend and buy top player.

Ricky Cash: Lol, another Arsenal "supporter" wishing death upon a man. FOOK OFF mate. You undercover Spud fans are so ridiculous.

Hademe Precious - August 18, 2013 
Honestly, If wenger is not managed and check mated, he will simply ruin the club and run away..His policy of total profit orienrd approach will kill arseal. He can never learn from his past and above all, he is very crafty and decietful.. Hate him.

Haters all around the world are howling with pain
now that Ramsey has emerged.
Ricky Cash: You hate the man who has given us Mesut Ozil. Who has developed Theo Walcott into the best player of the world and of our generation. Who has developed Ramsey and Wilshere into the best midfielders of the world. Who has us on top of the EPL and of the toughest group in Champions League history. Mate, take a seat and hush. Your speaking privileges have been revoked.

Gerard Adjah - August 19, 2013 
Wenger seriously, i mean are you serious right now? this your thinking or approach or method has not worked for the years past and you are expecting it to work this time round? Please our ears are tired of these worn out, over used excuses. Please Wenger if you are a religious person then please take the weekend results as God's forewarning of the humiliation ahead of you this season if you don't change... you did not have any defenders on the bench, (what happened with the move for Ashley Williams) there was no protection for the defence (what happened with Felliani). Your first choice goalkeeper keeps gifting penalties just review his record, personally i prefer Fabianski over him but well you see differently i don't get it, (incase you have forgeten Fabianski saved us last season when things were going south) . How can the likes of Napoli or Wolfsburg beat THE ARSENAL to the signing of players. Please for the love of Christ do something drastic about this team, now it is embarrassing calling ourselves Arsenal fans.

Ricky Cash: Lol, so it's embarrassing calling yourself an Arsenal fan huh mate? Bet, you're not saying this now though. You impatient. ungrateful boy. You don't deserve to call yourself an Arsenal fan. You thought we were going to face humiliation this season? Yet we have signed Ozil, and sit atop the EPL at the moment. Life is good for us. We have been unstoppable all season long. You are NOT a true supporter of Arsenal. Go find some plastic club to support like Chel$ki or Man $hitty.

SOMEone!^! - August 19, 2013
Wenger's day:
Morning: " We will spend"
Noon: "We have 70 million to spend"
Evening: "We have inquired about Ronney, Higuine, Suarez"

Hearing this poor Arsenal fans rushed to take season ticket. But nothing happened. Enraged Arsenal fans called Wenger and asked why no transfer happened?

Wenger in his mind: "Signings..? Poor lads. I was busy masturbating whole night"

Ricky Cash: Cool story bro. But I prefer reality.
Morning: We will spend
Noon: We have unlimited money to spend. Let's buy Ozil.
Evening: We have signed Ozil.

Hearing this the GREAT Arsenal fans rushed to season tickets and gobbled them up. Enraged rival fans like SOMEone!^! then spent the rest of the night crying themselves to sleep knowing that there chance of winning anything was over in that split instant.
Wenger tries to hold in the laughter at how idiotic
and ignorant the haters are

Yeah mate. I definitely prefer reality over your fantasy world. I'll send you some tissues though for those tears of yours. As a fan of a rival EPL team I'm sure times must be tough for ya mate.

Adam - August 19, 2013
Wenger is a fooking joke!

Ricky Cash: AHAHAHHAHAAAA. Nah mate. You're the fooking joke. Why else do you think I laugh at you.

Adegoke - August 19, 2013
Arsenal fans are like a lady in a physically abusive relationship, who gets beaten black & blue 6 days of the week but forgets the pain on the 7th day when the husband comes bearing flowers. Wenger will sign an average player or two before the window closes and y'all gonna start your 'In wenger we trust' crap.

Ricky Cash: So you're saying Ozil is an average player mate? Go take a seat. Your speaking privileges have also been revoked.

Anonymous - August 19, 2013
lol.... Wenger has been outdated for a long time already has been tactically trailing since Mourinho walked into the PL his total football is an old version since Guardiola came along he can't deal with the reality of the transfermarket since Chelsea came along and he can't scout on a global level


Oh my....this lad is a right comedian!!!!!!!!

Wahhhhhh - August 20, 2013 
I'm rolling on the floor laughing. Arsenal owned by Daniel Levy [on the transfer market].

Ricky Cash: I'm rolling on the floor laughing. Daniel Levy helped to make the move to Arsenal for Ozil possible. Look like it's Levy and the pathetic Spuds who got "owned". AAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA. Take a seat Wahhhhhh. Take a seat mate.

Sunbin Chang - August 20, 2013
Wenger is just scared. He is just a manager that knows how to raise young players. He is scared that he might be under more pressure when he is given more resources. haha can't believe he is still the manager of Arsenal. He is not even half of Sir Alex
Sagna and his wife can only stand
and stare with smirks on their faces
at the many haters of Arsenal.

Ricky Cash: When you speak mate. You usually want to speak in a way that makes sense so that you can be understood or at least not to make yourself look foolish. Unfortunately you have failed mate. Unfortunately you have failed.

'Yomi Ode - August 20, 2013
wenger as you are making fans all over the world unhappy, sad and disillusioned, God Almighty will also make you very unhappy as from now. This your ultra conservative traits are no more acceptable in modern football

Ricky Cash: Yes I'm sure Wenger is so unhappy right now mate. First in EPL. First in the toughest group in Champions League history. Signed Ozil the best attacking mid of the world. Also has Cazorla the other best attacking mid of the world. Has Giroud a top 3 striker of the world. He has Wilshere and Ramsey the two best centre mids of the world. He's got Arteta a top 5 centre mid of the world, along with Flamini who has recovered to once again become the best DM in the world. And to top it all off he has Theo FOOKING Walcott who is the best player of the world currently just ahead of Super Messi.

Yeah mate. Wenger sure must be "unhappy" right now. LMFAO.


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