Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Arsenal v Hull Preview. A day of restoration.

(Start music before reading)

Long long ago, there was a small boy who lived in a village. The boy had no money. His family was very poor in fact. So the boy had to go into the city each day to trade in supplies in order to earn a little bit of money to eat food. Each time the boy would go into the city he would be amazed by the extravagance that the city held.

"One day I to will have an extravagant life too," exclaimed the boy. "Yes, I shall one day have this wonderful life so that I may leave my small village and become a POWERFUL man.

The boy would go to his local pub and watch the interactions of the older men, in the hopes of trying to better understand and decipher what it took to achieve TRUE POWER. As the boy grew older. He grew more and more powerful. Soon he would become the leader of the most influential club in the entire world. His dream of becoming powerful would be fulfilled.

His name was......

(Stop above video. And now play new music)

However, there were people who didn't like how powerful Arsene had become. They were a jealous bunch. Angry and upset with fate and the world that they could only hold such power as Arsene in their wettest of dreams. And so they formed a collective. A group of people with the sole purpose to keep Arsene down. To keep him away from power. From........from TROPHIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They lied. They cheated. They paid off officials in matches to ensure that his team would lose. They bribed UEFA and FA officials to ensure he could not succeed in the league. To ensure that he could not succeed in European competition. And even through it all Arsene fought on. He would not give in. He would not give up. He kept fighting and overcoming their evil schemes against him. But it seemed that in the end they were just too much. And time and time again he kept just falling short of the precious silverware which had come so easily to him before.
The evil collective laughed and laughed. They began to fill people's heads with propaganda. They said that Arsene was a "specialist in failure:. They said that Arsene was a born "loser". They said that Arsene was senile and past it. That he could no longer lead the most powerful club in all of football.
And the worst part was that the foolish, brainwashed people began to believe it. They started turning a blind
eye to the BLATANT cheating against Arsene. EVERY SINGLE LOSS that Arsene endured was filled with controversial calls and cheating, yet the people began to ignore and instead place blame on him. 
The evil collective was getting what they wanted. They were bringing down Arsene. Just as they had planned nearly 9 years ago on that fateful day.

Those cowards were winning the battle.....but the war....the war was far from over..................................
(Stop above music video, and now play this music)

Then finally it happened. One of Arsene's loyal warriors Theo Walcott evolved into the best player of his generation. Inspired by this glorious occurence the entire dynamic shifted. Suddenly belief was instilled back into the team.

Then, Ozil was signed. The best attacking midfielder of the world.
Then, Wilshere evolved into the best midfielder of the world.
Then, Ramsey evolved into the other best midfielder of the world.
Then, Koscielny and Mertesacker evolved into the best defensive pairing in the world.

And the list would go on and on. So many players inspired by the best player of our generation Theo Walcott would morph into the best players in the world in their position.

With such POWER at his side the evil collective could no longer contain Arsene. On and on Arsene marched on his way to the FA Cup final.

The evil collective have looks of terror and shock on their faces now. They are scrambling to try and buy and pay off the officials and also Hull in order to prevent the inevitable. But the inevitable can not be prevented.

Arsene has won the war. The evil collective will finally be defeated. Once and for all.

Trophies will return to Arsene. Trophies will return to Arsenal.


The day order was restored to the world.

Check out my twitter page lads: https://twitter.com/rickyCash_COYG

(Follow that $hite or I'll follow your mum)

Thursday, May 8, 2014


The day order was restored to the world.

Arsenal. Hull. FA Cup. Final. Preview. Here.

The Blog Returns May 13, 2014.

And then on 05.17.2014. The world shall never be the same again.................................



My blog is the place to be for the next couple of months.

I will have EXCLUSIVE content detailing a preview of my powerful Arsenal's FA Cup final. The preview will be posted on May 13.

Then after Arsenal have won our trophy, my mind will be shifted to the world cup.

I am PLEASED to announce that I will have EXCLUSIVE interviews with players like Theo Walcott, Super Messi, NEIGHmar..........even LOSERnaldo EXCLUSIVELY on my blog and my blog alone. I will have detailed reports and articles throughout the world cup as well, and will have exclusive in depth access to all the teams to keep you all up to date with the latest happenings of ALL the teams involved at the world cup that you won't have access to anywhere else.

Also, my WILDLY POPULAR Hater Speak series will be back with a bang. I have lots of haters who have commented or sent me hate mail and I have stored up their words and will respond to them. Available EXCLUSIVELY on my blog. Hater Speak Vol. 2 will finally come out 6 months after the first edition first came and went with such thundering approval.

Yes, the future is bright. Keep it locked with Ricky Cash mates.

My twitter: https://twitter.com/rickyCash_COYG
My blog: https://rickycash-arsenalgunners.blogspot.com/

Favorite this $hite. Bookmark it mates. It will be the place to be for the next couple of months.